Tuesday, 24 May 2016

We had to write and explantion piece about the Urinary System. This is mine:

The urinary tract system has many assets to it, being the Kidneys, Ureters, Bladder and Urethra. Your urine is full of different things that make it, like water, foods, urea, chemicals, and even some things that you have breathed, and been exposed to! Your urinary system sometimes comes up with some problems, like infections to the Kidneys, Bladder and Urethra. Sometimes, we need to hold onto our Urine for a while though, and this can lead to some bad things happening with your Bladder.

Have you ever wondered what your Urine may be made up of? Because your Urine is made up of many different things, and sometimes some things can even change the colour of your Urine from yellow to red! Your Urine is made up of many things, but it mostly made of water. Your urine is made with a sort of filter. The extra waste from your body, gets filtered through the kidneys, to make Urine. Then, at about every 10-15 seconds, your ureters, which are as thick as your middle finger, push very little bits of urine into your Bladder, which then, you let out through your Urethra.  The watse consists of water, Urea, foods, and other chemicals.  The waste, which is called Urea, is made when protein from meat is broken down. Some foods, like Beetroot, Blackberry,  and Rhubarb can turn your Urine colour pink or red!

There is many problems that may accure with the Urinary Tract System. Sometimes you could get a Bladder infection, which are called Cystirtis. You can get this infection, by bacteria reaching your Bladder. You could also get a Kidney infection, which is called Pyelonephritis. You can get this when large stones get stuck in in your Kidneys, which can cause a lot of pain.

Sometimes we all have that time when we just have to let it out, but what if it is the wrong time, and the wrong place? We’ve all had a situation like that,  so, what WILL happen if you hold onto your Urine for to long? Well, your Bladder can actually burst! Although this is very unlikely, some peoples Bladder have burst, which have lead to fatal, or painful endings. You really should be going about 8 times a day. If you don’t go, and your Bladder doesn’t burst, it can build up bacteria, which could lead to an infection.  

As you now know, the urinary system is very important. The foods and drinks you have are a very important thing to making your Urine, as much as what can cause problems with your urinary system, and what can happen if we hold on to much.

Friday, 13 May 2016

For Music, we have to make slides about famous musicians, that we could choose from of a couple. I choose Harry Belafonte. Click the link to see the slides.

For homework, we had to write a letter to Ms Beaumont explaining the healthy food products we should have at our canteen! This is my letter:

Havelock North Inteimediate School
13 Nimon Street
Havelock North

Dear Ms Beaumont,

At Havelock North Intermediate, I think we could add more different food and beverges into the canteen.

Some beverages that I think we should add is, drinking yoghurt, milk, and bottled water.   
Drinking Yoghurt is good for you, as it is a dairy product, so it will have protein, plus several other nutrients, such as calcium, vitiam B-2, and magnesiam. So, the students would have accses to all of these important nutrients, which would lead to them being healthy, and having energy to last a tiring school day.
Milk is good for you as well, as it helps build stonger bones. Did you know just 1 cup of milk gives you 30% of ones daily intake of calcium, a mineral that helps you have stronger bones and teeth. Milk even keeps your muscles strong, which is good for students who may have P.E on, or even something after school. Milk is also the number 1 source of vitiam D, which scientists have proven to help with bone growth in early life.
Bottled Water may also be a thing to think about, because some people don’t like drinking from water fountains (like me) and if they don’t have any water or have run out of what they had, having a ‘water bottle’ will help them for the rest of the day. If you don’t drink enough water you may start to become dehydrated, meaning you feel dizzy and woozy, which could lead to fainting, whearas if you do have the water you need, you can be health, hydrated, and ready for the rest of the day.
Some of the snacks we should have in the canteen, is fresh fruit, like Apples, Bananas, Pears, and we could have Muslei Slice, and fruit muffins.
Fruit is good for you, as it is hydrating. Most fruits are around 90% water, and Fruit is a fast food, so it can be eaten quickly as well as easily. Plus it normally doesn’t come in any wrappers, so it can only make biodegradable rubbish. Fruit is also low is Sodium, becaue it doesn’t require any seasonings, and eating more fruit will help you lower the overall sodium content in your diet. The more calories that you eat from fruit, the less sodium-rich your diet will be. This will in turn lower your blood pressure and keep you more healthy.
Muslei slice is good for you, as it can have raisins and sultanas in it, which are very healthy for you. It is made out of oates, and it can also have seeds like pumpkin in it.
Fruit muffins are also healthy. Blueberry muffins are very nutritious, as blueberries contain Anti-oxidants that can improve your overall health by improving your immunie system. Also, Blueberries give you energy for things, like P.E, and they can improve your ability to prevent and fight infections, and other bruises.  Banana muffins are great too, because eating bananas can prevent kidney cancer, protect eyes, and build strong bones. Bananas can even make you smarter, learn faster, and be more alert.

Some lunch meals we could have are rice, Pizzas, and Salads.
Rice is good for you, as it is low in fats and high in Carbohydrates. Rice is also an easy to go meal, it can be brought in a plastic container with a plastic spoon, meaning the only preperations needed would be to heat it up for the students.
Pizzas are also good for you, as Pizza can have many different toppings. The toppings can range from Potato to Mushrooms, Cheese to Salami, and Bacon to Beef. If we had Pizzas, we could have diffrent toppings on certain days, or students could make orders for what they want on their pizzas from a list of given toppings. There could be requirements of what you could have, like you would have to have at least 1 fruit or vegetable. If this happened, you could make an ‘order’ slip to be handed to the canteen, so you can just write down your name and room number, and they canteen workers can prepare a pizza for your lunch.
Salads are very good to have too, as salads have fruit and vegetables in them to give the students nutrients required for a day at school. As you probably know, Fruit and Vegetables can make you more intelligent, and learn faster, which is just what we need at Havelock North Intermediate School. Fruit and Vegetables can also give students energy, which would be good for P.E and activities they may be doing after school.

After reading this, I hope you can take some of my ideas to the board, and use them in our canteen. Thank you for reading this.

Yours sincerely
Charlotte Treadwell

Thursday, 5 May 2016

     These are some of my other graffitis!
We are learning about the human machine at school, and we had to make a fact on a graffiti wall thing, and this is one of mine!